April Lunch & Learn
We are meeting at Topeka High School with catering from Bobby’s Food Co. Marshall Madill is slated to be our speaker on “From Cold Calling to Digital Marketing”.
We also are planning on a quick student-led tour and some words from our fundraising recipient, Murray Moore.
Parking & Where To Go:
If you have trouble finding parking along 10th Street in front of the school, there is extra parking available in the Azura parking lot directly to the east of THS or we have received permission to park in KNEA’s lot on the south side of 10th street.
After parking, you should proceed to the front door on 10th street and enter thru the front doors. Murray or one of his students will be there to direct you to the room we are meeting in. We are finalizing parking instructions and will add here on the website once we have it as well as to the future emails regarding this event.
Hourly Schedule
- 11:30 - 11:45
- Network/Social
- Say hello to other attendees!
- 11:45 - 12:00
- Lunch
- Time to eat and continue socializing
- 12:00 - 12:40
- Program
- Announcements & Speaker
- 12:40 - 1:00
- Student-lead tour